Ticket sales have ended. Please check out one of these upcoming shows!
Saturday June 5th, 2021 - 8:00PM
Location : Big Laugh Comedy Austin, TX
You are in for a treat with Tone Bell.
You've seen him on the smash hit The U.S. vs. Billie Holiday. Get ready for the hilarious Tone Bell to take Austin by storm. Bell specializes in bringing the jokes where most folks aren't willing to go (look up his bit on not wanting to see the baby on YouTube).
His 2019 special Can't Cancel This is easily one of the best of the year – before everything started to suck for everyone. Bell has been on Comedy Central, Key & Peele, Whitney, and The Flash. Don't miss out on him ripping the roof off Vulcan. It'll be a night you won't forget. Trust us. He's hilarious.
Grab your tickets (minimum of 4, you can 2 more and individual GA tickets available) before you are stuck wishing you had. Get them now!
Doors at 6pm | Show starts at 7!
Don't Piss Your Pants
Ticket Info
- Tickets are sold in groups of 4 people per table with the option of adding 2 more tickets to make it a maximum of 6 people per table
- You can pick your tickets and the table you will be seated at
- Next to each ticket is a layout of the venue and where your tickets will be located
- There are special VIP tickets that get you closer to the stage, allows you to skip lines, and get special service
- 5 VIP tables upstairs can be booked up to 10 people [For larger groups]
- There are no refunds
- You must wear a mask into the club and when going to the bathroom
- If you refuse to wear a mask, you will be asked to leave
- No heckling or videos during the show, if you can play nicely you will be asked to leave
- Make sure to have fun and be respectful during the show
Grab your tickets (minimum of 4) before you are stuck wishing you had. Get them now
In accordance with city guidelines, we will have the following social distancing measures in place:
- Under 50% capacity (250 tickets available)
- Masks required
- Temperature checks at the door
- Must stay in your designated section
- Drinks/food delivered directly to sections
- Antibacterial wash stations
- Disinfectant on all surfaces throughout the entire venue
Grab your tickets (minimum of 4, you can 2 more and individual GA tickets available) before you are stuck wishing you had. Get them now!