This event is SOLD OUT. Please check out one of these upcoming shows!
Monday October 25th, 2021 - 8:00PM
Location : Big Laugh Comedy Austin, TX
DeathSquad presents: KillTony
Grab your tickets (minimum of 4 per table, individual GA tickets available) before you are stuck wishing you had. Get them now!
Doors at 7pm | Show starts at 8pmCOMEDIANS: Sign up at Vulcan between 6:30-7:30pm | Limited spots available
Watch Tim Dillon on Kill Tony #505
Ticket Info
- Tickets are sold in 4's, individual GA tickets available
- You can pick your tickets and the table you will be seated
- Next to each ticket is a layout of the venue and where your tickets will be located
- There are no refunds
- If you are not seated 20 minutes after the start of the show, you will forfeit your tickets
- No heckling or videos during the show, if you can't play nicely you will be asked to leave
-There is absolutely NO VIDEO RECORDING whatsoever
- Upon entry to the venue, your phone will be locked in a Yondr bag
- Make sure to have fun and be respectful during the show
Grab your tickets (minimum of 4 per table, GA tickets available) before you are stuck wishing you had. Get them now!