Ticket sales have ended. Please check out one of these upcoming shows!
Friday February 11th, 2022 - 10:00PM
Location : Big Laugh Comedy Austin, TX
There’s joy in pain when it comes to comedy. A lot of stand up is derived from pain. There is art to finding the funny in pain.
That’s why so many people love stand up. It makes you think and laugh at the same time.
The No Bad Days show by Alyssa Limperis is the purest form of stand up. Alyssa is coming to Austin to share the joy she has found after spending time with her dad while he battled brain cancer.
This is the realiness of comedy. Turning a very sad moment into an hour worth of hilarious jokes and stories.
You don’t want to miss this show. Grab your tickets now.
Doors at 9:30PM | Show starts at 10PM
Watch Alyssa Limperis
More About Alyssa
Alyssa Limperis is an actress and comedian in Los Angeles. You may recognize her from her hilarious mom videos which she writes, acts in and edits. She has been featured in sketches on Conan, A Little Late With Lilly Singh, Comedy Central, Peacock, Freeform, Fox Sports and Aunty Donna's House on Netflix. And you've likely seen her in a commercial- she's acted in many national campaigns alongside Brie Larson, Megan Thee Stallion, Milana Vayntrub, and most proudly to her Massachusetts family, the king, Tom Brady.
Alyssa Limperis will be running her hour-long special No Bad Days. In 2015, after moving home for a year to care for him, she lost her strong, full of life, best friend of a father to brain cancer. This hour-long show takes the audience on the journey of loving and losing a parent and then slowly but surely, coming out the other side.
While the show provides an honest portrayal of loss, grief and pain, it is also full of jokes, hope, and for good measure, a little bit of Zumba. No Bad Days is a joyful, moving show that reminds us no matter how dark or heavy things feel, if you are open to it, there’s no such thing as a bad day.

Ticket Info
- Preferred or GA table seating available. General Admission tickets also available
- You can pick your tickets and the table you will be seated
- Next to each ticket is a layout of the venue and where your tickets will be located
- This event is 21 and up, valid ID required
- There are no refunds
- No heckling or videos during the show, if you can't play nicely you will be asked to leave
- Yondr bags will be in use for this comedy event
- There is absolutely NO VIDEO RECORDING whatsoever
- If you do not show up 20 minutes after the show time, you will forfeit your tickets
- No backpacks or other large bags in venue
- No animals allowed in venue
- Make sure to have fun and be respectful during the show
Grab your tickets before you are stuck wishing you had. Get them now!